Day 2: Functions and classes

Hamish Gibbs


  • This morning:
    • Tutorials on functions and classes
  • This afternoon:
    • Getting Visual Studio Code set up for everyone.
    • Working on the optional tutorial or the “Extra” exercise.

Writing re-usable code

  • Code should be like a recipe.
    • Generally: good code tells how to do something, and what you’ve done (separately).
  • Scripting vs. programming
    • Scripting: Small bits of code that do a single thing.
    • Programming: General-purpose “recipes” for transforming inputs to outputs.

Example: scripting in python

  • A simple script for converting Fahrenheit to Celsius
temp_f = 100

temp_c = 5/9 * (temp_f - 32)
  • What’s wrong with this?
    • Nothing! it works.
    • But what if we want to change the value of temp_f?
    • What if we want to convert multiple Fahrenheit values to Celsius?

Solution: Abstraction

  • We want to abstract the logic that converts temperatures into a “recipe” with:
    • Input: any value in Fahrenheit.
    • Output: the converted value in Celsius.
  • Our “recipe” can be written as a Function.

Example: programming in Python

  • A function for converting temperatures:
def convert_f_to_c(temp_f):
    return 5/9 * (temp_f - 32)
  • Now, our logic can be applied to multiple values:
  • Or we can apply our to function to a list of values:
temps_f = [100, 120, 80]
temps_c = [convert_f_to_c(x) for x in temps_f]


  • Functions are a named bundle of logic.
    • I think of a function as a “pipe” that transforms values into other values.
  • Example functions (Tip: useful for the challenge!):
    • model = fit_model(train)
    • fig = plot_scatterplot(data)
    • save_image(img, path)
  • Another analogy: think of functions as the “verbs” and variables as the “nouns” of your program.


  • Functions help to break up your code into small, reusable “modules.”

  • These modules can be composed together:

    def convert_multiple_f_to_c(temps_f):
        return [convert_f_to_c(x) for x in temps_f]
  • Programming is less about tricky logic problems, more about writing abstractions and composing them together.

Scripting vs. Programming

  • The line between scripting and programming is fuzzy.
  • Often, you need to re-use bits of a script, so you start re-writing it into functions.
  • If these functions are useful enough, you can incorporate them into a library.
    • My own example of this (in R): ggutils.

Classes: logic + data

  • Functions: logic (a “recipe”)
  • Variables: data (actual “values”)
  • Classes: An abstraction for combining data and logic.


  • Classes have two components:
    • Attributes: data.
    • Methods: functions.
    class WeatherStation:
        def __init__(self, temps_f): # Default initialization method
            self.temps_f = temps_f # an "attribute"

        def convert_f_to_c(temp_f): # A "method"
            return 5/9 * (temp_f - 32)

        def convert_temps_f_to_c(self): # Another "method"
            return [self.convert_f_to_c(x) for x in self.temps_f]
  • Now, my functions are directly coupled to my data and I have given this Object a name: WeatherStation.

Using a class

  • A class is a general purpose construct, like a function.

  • We have to initialize our class with some data:

    station = WeatherStation(temps_f = [100, 120, 80])
  • Here, station is an instance of the class WeatherStation.

  • Then we can use the methods of the class for this instance:


Who cares?

  • Tomorrow, we will use classes a lot.
    • But, classes written by someone else!
  • See the pandas DataFrameDescriber class: here.
    • You don’t have to understand what this code does!
    • The important thing is that you see how larger libraries are made up of classes.


  • Classes can be extended to represent different objects objects with the same interface.

  • Here, the WeatherStation has a general purpose method get_temperatures_c which should always return the temperature in Celsius.

        class WeatherStation:
            def __init__(self, temps):
                self.temps = temps 
            def convert_f_to_c(self, temp_f):
                return 5 / 9 * (temp_f - 32)
            def get_temperatures_c(self):
                return self.temps


  • We could create two child classes which inherit the WeatherStation interface.

  • Assuming an AmericanWeatherStation is always initialized with temps in Fahrenheit:

        class AmericanWeatherStation(WeatherStation):
            def get_temperatures_c(self):
                return [self.convert_f_to_c(x) for x in self.temps]


  • Assuming a EuropeanWeatherStation is always initialized with temps in Celsius:

        class EuropeanWeatherStation(WeatherStation):
            def get_temperatures_c(self):
                return self.temps


  • Inheritance gives a common interface.

  • Now, I can write a function that consumes any WeatherStation object.

        def get_total_temp_c(station):
            return sum(station.get_temperatures_c())

Tutorial #1: Functions

  • Functions
  • Core concepts:
    • Using built-in functions (and the standard library)

      import math
    • Writing your own functions

      def add_3(x):
          return x + 3
    • Composing functions

      def add_5(x):
          return add_3(x) + 2

Tutorial #2: Classes

  • Object-oriented programming

  • Core concepts:

    • Writing custom classes

      class PartyAnimal:
    • Initializing classes

      an = PartyAnimal()
    • Class inheritance

      class CricketFan(PartyAnimal):

Tutorial #2: possible pitfall

  • Tutorial #2 includes the following code:

    from party import PartyAnimal
  • This requires actually breaking our code into different scripts (.py files).

  • We can’t do this because we are still using Colab.

    • For now, just carry on in the same Notebook.
    • We will introduce .py files this afternoon!

Tutorial #3: Functions (Optional)

  • More control flow tools §4.7-4.8 (Optional)
    • This is more of a deep dive. If you feel shaky with the basics of functions, work on that!
  • Core concepts:
    • Default arguments

      def add(x, y = 2):
          return x + y
    • Keyword arguments

      add(4, x=4) # Error: duplicate value for the same argument


  • Try this class composition exercise (Exercise #2).
    • Define and implement the classes required to represent a music playlist: Artist, Song, Album, and Playlist.


  • Take your time understanding functions.
    • Functions will be more immediately useful to improve your programming!
  • If you have time, make sure to try the “Extra” exercise, it will help you think about how functions and classes fit together.