Python data science (continued)

Hamish Gibbs

Tutorial #3: String operations

  • pandas-cookbook: String operations (Chapter 6)
    • This tutorial is about extracting information from text in pandas.
    • Hint: Some of the most interesting information in tomorrow’s dataset might be in string variables.
  • Core concepts:
    • Detecting keywords in strings:


Tutorial #4: Data cleaning

  • pandas-cookbook: Data cleaning (Chapter 7)
  • Core concepts:
    • Detecting nan values stored as strings:

      na_values = ['NO CLUE', 'N/A', '0']
      requests = pd.read_csv(..., na_values=na_values, ...)
    • Altering DataFrame values in-place:

      zero_zips = requests['Incident Zip'] == '00000'
      requests.loc[zero_zips, 'Incident Zip'] = np.nan

Tutorial #5: sklearn - Linear Regression

  • sklearn - Linear Regression Example
  • Core concepts:
    • Fitting a model to data, diabetes_y_train)
    • Making predictions with a model

    • Model evaluation

      mean_squared_error(diabetes_y_test, diabetes_y_pred)

Challenge scaffold


  • Start working with the dataset we will use tomorrow.
  • Work on a few of the items in the challenge:
    • What variables are in the dataset?
    • What are the data types of the variables?
    • Is there any missing data?