Challenge: regression analysis

Hamish Gibbs

Challenge statement

Objective: Predict the nightly price of AirBnB listings in London based on their characteristics.

Data source: Inside AirBnB

Dataset: 2020-08-24-listings.csv.gz

Guidelines: Challenge

Challenge scaffold

  • Because we have so little time, I have made a “scaffold of the project”
  • This is a bad solution, but it should be give you a foundation to improve from!


  • See the Challenge Guidelines.
  • By the end of the session:
    • Aim to make progress on each major item in the Guidelines.
    • Start simple, then refine your solution.

Aims: This afternoon

  • After lunch: introduction to git and GitHub.
  • We will contribute our code to a shared repository.
  • We will discuss everyone’s solutions and have some cookies.
    • Any dietary restrictions?